Faye Levy
Business Manager,
San Diego Automotive
I really enjoyed the seminar. Learned a lot and I have been more aware of what is happening around regarding inclusion and diversity. Your openness definitely puts this issue upfront and right were its needed. Hope to have the opportunity to participate in another of your seminars

Rachel Carter
Business Analyst,
Intuit Inc.
“I appreciate Setche’s wholistic approach to diversity, inclusion, and equity. It
gives me hope for real sustainable positive change in our organization.”

Erika Paul
Operations Administrator
Arts for Learning, San Diego
Setche is phenomenal! She is engaging and excellent at facilitating difficult
conversations. By being personal and vulnerable, she allows participants a level
of safety and courage that has been lacking in other workshops I have attended!”
Martin Eder
Executive Director,
Setche's diversity training and organizational development programs have been a huge help for our nonprofit, particularly at difficult times. Setche's style and enthusiasm fills the room with positive, hopeful expectations. Unafraid to tackle difficult situations, she brings out the best in everyone, while not covering up unexplored issue. Her compassion and humanitarianism drive the process, while her intellect dissects the challenges with fresh clarity.

Agnes Zsigovics
Volunteer Manager,
SAY San Diego
I value Setche’s innate ability to connect with and engage her audience! She is adept at creating an environment that respects and values individual differences along varying dimensions and inspiring and teaching others to do the same. I enjoyed learning about the subtleties of cultural interactions and exploring ways to improve my communication skills with diverse individuals.

John Sepulvado
“Setche brilliantly induces fun and discomfort which she helps us channel into curiosity, vulnerability, bravery, and empathy building.”

Michelle Svoboda
San Diego Resident
“Setche motivated me to commit to diversity, inclusion, and equity by helping me understand them in ways I hadn’t considered before, and helping me realize I have a stake in it too.”
Anonymous Feedback
What have you learned?
"I learned to have a more expanded view of equity and how it affects different demographics."
"I gained an understanding of what IDE looks like effectively. I appreciate having tools and understanding to move forward."
“I am glad I did this training along with the rest of my organization. It’s a step in the right direction; for the organization, and for me at work and in my life.”
What will you do differently in your work & life?
I will use my identity and power to bring forward and center racial equity in our day to day work. I will ask for more investment in our POC (People Of Color) staff and ask for further leadership development for our line staff.
“I will show empathy and try to inform and be an example to others”
As a result of this training, I will more consciously consider past and current societal conditions when interacting with non white people. Vote and support candidates/issues that advance IDE principles.
“I'm thinking about the need to identify structural aspects of the organization that perpetuate exclusivity, homogeneous thinking & behavior, inequality, and inequity”
"I will be braver about holding myself and the people around me accountable to implementing/using IDE"